
    2015-10-30 Educational field trip on the St. Marks and Wakulla river

    FSU and the Big Bend Coastal Conservancy (BBCC) organized a field trip on the St. Marks and Wakulla river for The Florida Master Naturalist Program's 'Coastal Systems Module'. This field trip was meant to introduce students to the physical characteristics of Florida's waterways and coastal area, as well as basic sampling procedures. Primarily, focus was on variations in salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen and sources of these variations. From there, discussions led us to river-ocean mixing and basic air-sea interactions. Students were split among four boats, where they were in charge of sampling under the supervision of a FSU volunteer. Instruments used were: a SeaBird CTD, two handheld YSI CT's, a YSI water quality sonde, secchi disks, underwater camera and rhodamine dye. FSU volunteers were Elizabeth Simons (GFDI), Karina Khazmutdinova (GFDI), Thomas Kelly (EOAS) and Natalie Geyer (EOAS).

    Nick Moore on the Optimal Flexible Wing Design

    GFDI Associate Prof. Nick Moore recently published a paper on the optimum design for a flexible wing.

    "'We want to understand how wings and fins perform differently when they are made of flexible material,' Moore said. 'Sometimes, flexibility can really boost performance, but too much flexibility can be a bad thing. We want to find the happy medium.'"

    20-year-old cave diving mystery


    GFDI Assoicate Dr. Doron Nof, along with graduate student Lakshika Girihigama and researcher Dr. Catherine Hancock are featured in this FSU news bulletin about their research on the fluid dynamics of underwater cave collapse.

    Associate Allan Clarke named fellow of the American Geophysical Union

    2015/08/12: GFDI Associate Allan Clarke named fellow of the American Geophysical Union

    Read more at the FSU News Site

    Office Manager Vijaya Challa receives Exemplary Service Award

    Office Manager Vijaya Challa receives Exemplary Service Award

    Associate Ming Ye interviewed in NOVA episode

    GFDI Associate Dr. Ming Ye appeared in a recent episode of NOVA, Sinkholes—Buried Alive, which aired January 28, 2015 on PBS. Dr. Ye demonstrated a laboratory model of sinkhole formation designed by Dr. Daniel Kuncicky and run by graduate students Xia Tao and Roger Pacheco. The segment starts at 14:32.

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