
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute's (GFDI) membership consists of the Director, Faculty Associates, including specialized faculty members whose lines are assigned to GFDI, Research Affiliates, staff, students, and OPS employees. The only members of the Institute with voting privileges on any of the issues in this document are the Faculty Associates, Affiliates, and the specialized faculty whose lines are assigned to GFDI. Faculty Associates are tenure-track or tenured faculty that are associated with GFDI and whose lines are assigned to an academic department. The designation of Research Affiliate is reserved for faculty or scientists associated with GFDI but not employed by FSU.


             Adherence with Other Governing Documents. At all times, institute/center policy shall adhere to and be consistent with all university policies found in the FSU Constitution, the BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Faculty Handbook, and the Annual Memorandum on the Promotion and Tenure Process issued by the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement. 


             Bylaws Revision. An amendment to these by-laws can happen by the following mechanism: first, a majority vote from the Executive Committee recommending the amendments, and a majority vote from the Institute Faculty Associates, Institute Core Faculty Associates, and Affiliates in favor of the amendment.


             Substantive Change Statement. Faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and follow the Florida State University Substantive Change Policy as found on the university web site


For the full bylaws document, click here.

Bylaws of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute Florida State University Revised 2/23/2022