Augmented Reality Sandbox



This video showcases the augmented reality "CAndbox" simulation table being developed by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute and the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University.  The CAndbox uses a Kinect camera to determine an elevation map of the sand which is sent in real-time to the GPU and used as an input for a fire model.  The result, in-simu, is projected onto the sand to show real-time simulations. The Kinect camera's object detection feature allows users to introduce fire by holding their hand over the sand table, and firebreaks can be introduced with the mouse in real-time.

The CAndbox offers a dynamic and interactive experience for exploring fire behavior.  The project is inspired by the SARndbox project, an NSF-funded project developed at UC Davis by Oliver Kreylos' team.  The SARndbox is an augmented reality table that simulates water flow on the surface of the sand.



About SARndbox   


SARndbox opensource software