Welcome to the Karst Center, where our goal is to organize scientists from the Florida universities, federal and state agencies, and environmental consulting companies to conduct basic and applied research on water related environmental problems in karst areas and to apply for federal and state competitive grants.
Here is what we are currently working on:

Revise Pilot Study at Class V ASR-Reuse Facilities
This is a U.S. EPA grant award via the Florida Department of Environmental Protection(DEP). In this study, students will be able to learn project management, water quality sampling, handling of analytical samples and data, as well as report preparation. Determining if emerging contaminants are impacting future sources of drinking water due to reuse injection will help Florida's citizens and the state economy.

Dye trace in the Suwannee basin
This project is in the discussion phase and is dependent on hydrologic conditions. The dye trace would provide a better understanding of the hydrology of Floridan aquifer system and spring which benefits Florida's citizens and the state's economic viability.