Visitors and Colloquium Speakers Since 1980
[ 2011-present ][ 2000-2010 ] [ 1995-1999 ] [ 1990-1994 ] [ 1985-1989 ] [1980-1984 ]
2011-Present Visitors
- 06/27/2011: Dr. John Marshall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
- 03/29/2012: Dr. Natasha Flyer, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
- 12/10/2012: Dr. Peter Rhines, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
- 02/08/2013: Dr. Mark Abcouitz, NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 02/21/2013: Dr. Bill Young, San Diego, CA
- 03/26/2013: Dr. Kenneth Brink, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA
- 03/28/2013: Dr. Claudia Cenedese, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA
- 04/22/2013: Dr. John Whitehead, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA
- 04/30/2013: Dr. Rod Linn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- 04/30/2013: Dr. Scott Goodrick, US Forest Service
- 04/30/2013: Dr. Yaning Lin, Department of Mathematics, FSU, Tallahassee, FL
- 03/21/2014: Dr. Nan Walker, Lousiana State University, Baton Route, LA
- 03/31/2014: Dr. Pepe Ochoa, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja, California
- 09/22/2014: Dr. Jian Zhao, Hohai University, P. R. China
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- 01/31/2000: Mr. Alessandro Stocchino. University of Genoa.
- 10/02/2000: Dr. Brian Katz. U. S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO.
- 10/16/2000: Dr. Mark Stewart. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
- 11/20/2000: Dr. Fred Paillet. U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO.
- 01/11/2001: Dr. Anton Purnama. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
- 01/11/2001: Dr. Mohamed Al-Lawati. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
- 01/11/2001: Dr. Hamdi Al-Barwani. Sultan Qaboos, University, Muscat, Oman.
- 01/11/2001: Dr. Ibrahim Eltayeb. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
- 01/11/2001: Dr. Easwaran Balakrishnan. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat Oman.
- 01/12/2001: Mr. William Wilson. Sub-Surface Evaluations, Tampa, FL.
- 01/12/2001: Dr. Sam Upchurch. ERM-South Inc., Tampa, FL.
- 01/12/2001: Dr. Mark Stuart. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
- 01/12/2001: Dr. Tim Hazlett. Hazlett-Kincaid, Inc., Reading, PA.
- 01/11/2001: Mr. Alfred Hill. Woodsville, FL.
- 01/22/2001: Karl Helfrich. WHOI, Woods Hole, MA.
- 02/19/2001: Dr. Joseph Fernando. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- 03/19/2001: Dr. David A. Yuen. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
- 04/16/2001: Dr. P.H. Roberts. U.C.L.A. CA.
- 04/23/2001: Dr. Todd Kincaid. Hazlett-Kincaid inc., Reading, PA..
- 10/00-8/2003: Dr. Arnaud Chulliat, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France.
- 02/19/2003: Michael Kash, Department of Chemistry, Florida State University.
- 03/06/2003: Dr. Thomas Nycander, Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm.
- 04/15/2003: Dr. Fei-fei Jin, Professor, Department of Meteorology, SOEST, University of Hawaii
- 7/27- 7/29/2003: A symposium to showcase emerging challenges in fluid dynamics research across disciplines in Honor of: David Loper and Christopher Hunter.11/03/2003: Enrique Vivoni, Earth and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Tech.
- Pedro E. Arce
- Stanley A. Berger
- Arnaud Chulliat
- Tim Colonius
- Andrew Fowler
- David Jon Furbish
- Tom Gatski
- Philip Hall
- Christopher Hunter
- Mir Abbas Jalali
- Henry Kandrup
- Ruby Krishnamurti
- Norman Lebovitz
- David Loper
- Martin Oberlack
- Shinnosuke Obi
- James J. O'Brien
- Slava Solomatov
- David Stevenson
- De Witt Sumners
- Christopher K.W. Tam
- Joel Tohline
- Bryan Travis
- Peter O. Vandervoort
- Jack Whitehead
- David Yuen
- Thomas Zang
- 11/17/2003: Lars Petter Rø ed , Norwegian Meteorological Institute and University of Oslo.
- 03/02/2004: Prof. Chun-Chieh Wu, Deprt. of Atmospheric Science, national Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 03/08/2004: George Veronis. Yale University Geology Department. New Haven, CT.
- 03/15/2004: Dr. David Erickson . Director of the Climate and Carbon Research Institute. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, TN.
- 03/22/2004: Dr. Lakshmi. Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO.
- 03/29/2004: Dr. Peter Bartello . McGill Uniersity. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Montreal, Quebec. Canada.
- 04/12/2004: Dr. Claudia CenedeseWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution .
- 04/13/2004: Dr. Cana Crider, Catholic University of America
- 04/16/2004: Joseph Cain - GFDI and Stephen Kish - Geology - FSU Department of Geosciences Joint Colloquia.
- 05/19/2004: Dr. Karen Assmann, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Allemagne
- 05/19/2004: Dr. Brian Barr, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- 11/05/2004: Dr. Joanna Curran, Department of Geography, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
- 11/29/2004: Dr. Michael Reader, Center for Dynamical Meteorology and Oceanography, Monash University, Australia
- 12/06/2004: Dr. Carol Wicks, University of Missouri
- 01/31/2005: Dr. John Derber, National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Washington, D.C.
- 02/29/2005: Dr. Masahiro Watanabe, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan
- 03/21/2005: Dr. Brian Arbic, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
- 03/24/2005: Dr. Rodman Linn, Las Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- 07/07/2005: Dr. William Drennan, Applied Marine Physics, University of Miami, Miami, FL.
- 07/28/2005: Dr. G. Gerrnaert, Director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
- 09/29/2005: Dr. Bim Wang, SOSET, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
- 10/10/2005: Dr. Susan Avery, University of Colorado
- 12/08/2005: Dr. Ray, Schmitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.
- 12/09/2005: Dr. Julie Pullen, Marine Meteorology Division, National Research Lab, Montery, CA.
- 01/06/2006: Dr. Peter Reed, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford, UK
- 01/23/2006: Dr. Alexander Kolker, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University, NY.
- 02/14/2006: Dr. Costanza Bonadonna, Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
- 02/20/2006: Dr. Jon Reisner, Earth and Environmental Division, Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM.
- 03/01/2006: Dr. Joerg Schulz, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany
- 03/03/2006: Dr. Christopher Houser, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- 04/16/2006: Dr. Tao Sun, Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Company
- 03/23/2006: Dr. Dayanthie S. Weerarantne, Carnegie institute of Washington, Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism and Seismology
- 03/27/2006: Dr. Ming Ye, Division of Hydrologic Sciences and Engineering, Desert Research Institute
- 03/30/2006: Dr. Robert Scherbakov, Center for Computational Science & Engineering and Department of Geology, University of California and Davis, CA.
- 04/24/2006: Dr. Charles Doering, Department of Mathematics and Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- 10/12/2006: Dr. James Silvanima, Watershed Monitoring Section, FLDEP, Tallahassee, FL.
- 10/23/2006: Dr. Harley Means, Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee, FL
- 10/25/2006: Dr. Judith Curry, Georgia institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- 11/20/2006: Dr. Brian Katz, US Geological Survey
- 12/04/2006: Dr. Hal Davis, US Geological Survey
- 01/08/2007: Dr. Lakshmi Kantha, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
- 02/19/2007: Dr. Hannah Liang, Applied Physics Laboratory & School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Southern California, CA
- 03/05/2007: Dr. Tood Kincaid, Hazlett-Kincaid Inc., Reno, Nevada
- 03/19/2007: Dr. Timothy Hazlett, Hazlett-Kincaid Inc., Tallahassee, FL
- 03/27/2007: Dr. Joseph Pedlosky, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.
- 04/02/2007: Dr. Hezi Gildor, Department of Environmental Science & Energy Research (ESER), The Weisman Institute for Science, Israel
- 09/18/2007: Dr. Stephen Lord, Director, NCEP/EMC, Washington, D. C.
- 10/08/2007: Mr. Jesse Canfield, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- 11/19/2007: Dr. Mark Greenfield, International Christian School, Tokyo, Japan
- 09/29/2008: Dr. Christopher Garrett, Victoria B.C., Canada
- 10/31/2008: Dr. Joshua Sieph, Valdosta, GA
- 01/22/2010: Dr. C. Wang, China
- 01/22/2010: Dr. Zhang, China
- 01/22/2010: Dr. Dian, China
- 01/22/2010: Dr. Meng, China
- 01/22/2010: Dr. Igor Kamenkovich, Miami, FL
- 2/25-08/22/10: Dr. Jianhua Zhao, HuBei Province, China
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1995-1999 Visitors
- 01/23/1995: Dr. David E. Loper GFDI, FSU
- 01/30/1995: Dr. Phillip J. Morrison Physics Dept., Univ. of TX at Austin
- 02/13/1995: Dr. John Hart Univ. of CO at Boulder
- 03/06/1995: Dr. George Veronis Dept. of Geology, Yale Univ., New Haven, CT
- 03/27/1995: Dr. Stephen Meacham Dept. of Oceanography, FSU
- 04/03/1995: Dr. Keith Julian NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 04/10/1995: Dr. J. R. Herring NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 05/05/1995: Mr. Wen Ding GFDI, FSU
- 07/03/1995: Mr. Gangpeng Zhang GFDI, FSU
- 09/05/1995: Mr. Paul Dellar DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge, UK
- 09/15/1995: Dr. N. Paldor Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel
- 11/02/1995: Dr. Paul Roberts UCLA, Los Angeles. CA
- 11/07/1995: Dr. Neil Balmforth Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX
- 12/04/1995: Dr. Victor Barcilon Univ. of Chicago, IL
- 12/06/1995: Mr. Hisayoshi Shimizu GFDI, FSU
- 01/11/1996: Dr. Dieter Armbruster Arizona State Univ., AZ
- 01/16/1996: Mr. Paul Dellar DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge, UK
- 01/19/1996: Dr. John Brindley Univ. of Leeds, UK
- 01/29/1996: Dr. A. Mahalov Arizona State University
- 01/29/1996: Dr. B. Nicolaenko Arizona State University
- 02/01/1996: Dr. Dudley Chelton Oregon State Univ.
- 02/05/1996: Dr. Boris Galperin Univ. of South Florida
- 03/14/1996: Dr. William D. R. Malkus Dept. of Math, MIT, Cambridge, MA
- 04/01/1996: Dr. Rupert Ford Imperial College, Univ. of London, England
- 04/08/1996: Dr. Phillip Drazin Univ. of Bristol, UK
- 04/08/1996: Dr. Glenn Ierly Scripps Inst. of Oceanography
- 04/08/1996: Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti FSU
- 04/08/1996: Dr. Martin Landahl MIT
- 04/08/1996: Dr. C. C. Lin MIT / FSU
- 04/08/1996: Dr. Ed Spiegel Columbia University
- 04/08/1996: Ted Williams FSU
- 04/08/1996: C. S. Yih Univ. of Michigan and Univ. of Florida
- 05/24/1996: Mr. Li Bin FSU Graduate Student
- 09/06/1996: Prof. Roddam Narasimha Indian Inst. of Sci., Bangalore, India
- 09/13/1996: Dr. HuijunYang Dept. of Marine Sci.., Univ. of S. FL
- 09/18/1996: Dr. Patrice Klein IFREMER
- 09/23/1996: Dr. David Furbish Dept. of Geology, GFDI, FSU
- 09/30/1996: Dr. Stuart Rojstaczer Duke University, N. Carolina
- 10/17/1996: Dr. Ward Sanford US Geological Survey
- 10/28/1996: Dr. Jean Bidlot ECMWF
- 11/15/1996: Dr. Yves Parlange Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY
- 11/18/1996: Dr. Peilong Chen SCRI, FSU
- 12/02/1996: Dr. Darryl D. Holm Los Alamos National Lab., NM
- 03/17/1997: Dr. J. D. Smith U. S. G. S. (to 3/1199/1997)
- 01/29/1997: Dr. Thomas Corcoran CES, Boca Raton, FL
- 03/19/1997: Dr. J. D. Smith US Geological Survey, Boulder, CO
- 03/31/1997: Dr. Manfred Koch University of Kassel, Germany
- 09/29/1997: Dr. Darryl Holm Los Alamos National Lab., Las Alamos, NM
- 10/20/1997: Dr. Henning Rodhe Stockholm Univ., Stockholm, Sweden
- 10/22/1997: Dr. Sergey Voropayev Arizona State University, Arizona
- 01/25/1998: Dr. Somaraju Vempaty SRKR Eng. College, Bhimavaram, India
- 03/03/1998: Dr. Tony Hall National Weather Service, Fort Worth, Texas
- 04/20/1998: Dr. Craig Bishop Pennsylvania State University, PA
- 05/18/1998: Dr. Frank Stacey CSIRO, Australia
- 11/02/1998: Dr. Bryan Travis Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM
- 11/13/1998: Dr. Herbert E. Huppert Cambridge University, England
- 11/12/1998: Dr. Peter Killworth University of South Hampton, England
- 11/13/1998: Dr. Thomas Rossby University of Rhode Island, RI
- 11/13/1998: Dr. Raymond Schmitt WHOI, Woods Hole, MA
- 11/13/1998: Dr. J. A. Whitehead WHOI, Woods Hole, MA
- 11/13/1998: Dr. George Veronis Yale University, New Haven, CT
- 01/29/1999: Dr. Ibrahim Eltayeb Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
- 02/22/1999: Dr. Philip Yecko Lab. de Model. Mechanique, Paris, France
- 03/02/1999: Dr. James C. Turner, Jr. Arizona State University, Arizona
- 03/22/1999: Dr. Huug Van den Dool NCEP, MD
- 04/13/1999: Dr. Chris Paola University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 04/23/1999: Dr. Jean-Yves Parlange Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- 06/07/1999: Dr. S. Chawla New Delhi, India
- 10/14/1999: Dr. Marc Spiegelman LDEO, Columbia, NY
- 10/18/1999: Dr. Scott C. Hagen University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
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1990-1994 Visitors
- 01/22/1990: Dr. Bin Wang Dept. of Meteorology, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 01/24/1990: Dr. Richard Rotunno National Ctr. For Atmos. Research, Boulder, CO
- 02/12/1990: Dr. Grant Branstator National Ctr. For Atmos. Research, Boulder, CO
- 02/19/1990: Dr. Barry Ruddick School of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
- 03/05/1990: Dr. Phillip Drazin University of Bristol, UK
- 03/19/1990: Dr. Nobu Suginohara University of Tokyo, Japan
- 03/21/1990: Dr. Joseph Tribbia National Ctr. For Atmos. Research, Boulder, CO
- 03/26/1990: Ms. Lisan Yu Graduate Student, Oceanography Dept, FSU
- 01/23/1991: Huijun Yang GFDI, FSU
- 01/28/1991: George Sutyrin USSR Academy of Sci., Moscow
- 02/07/1991: Stanislov Braginsky IGPP, Los Angeles, CA (to 2/8/1991)
- 02/11/1991: James O'Brien GFDI, FSU
- 02/18/1991: Nathan Paldor Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel
- 02/21/1991: Peter Gierasch Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- 03/11/1991: Steve Musman NOAA / NOS, Rockville, MD
- 03/25/1991: Keith Moffatt Univ. of Cambridge, UK
- 03/26/1991: Richard Pfeffer and M. Challa GFDI, FSU
- 04/15/1991: Micheal Ghil UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
- 04/22/1991: Mark Parlange Univ. of California at Davis, CA
- 04/29/1991: Steven Meyers Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX
- 05/16/1991: Vladimir Vladimirov Novosibirsk, USSR
- 05/20/1991: John Brindley Univ. of Leeds, England
- 09/23/1991: William Tanner GFDI, FSU
- 09/30/1991: Manfred Koch GFDI, FSU
- 10/07/1991: Allan Clarke GFDI, FSU
- 10/21/1991: David Furbish GFDI, FSU
- 11/04/1991: Melvin Stern GFDI, FSU
- 12/02/1991: Ruby Krishnamurti GFDI, FSU
- 01/15/1992: Dr. Jeff Whitaker NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 01/27/1992: Peter Lundberg Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Goteborge, Sweden
- 03/16/1992: Prof. C.C. Lin Courtesy Prof. Of Mathematics and GFDI Associate, FSU
- 09/18/1992: Dr. C. J. Chen Dean of Engineering, FAMU/FSU College of Engineering
- 10/22/1992: Dr. Quon Bedford Inst. of Oceanography, Nova Scotia, Canada
- 11/04/1992: Brian Kelly GFDI, FSU
- 11/18/1992: Dr. Melvin Stern GFDI and Oceanography, FSU
- 11/23/1992: Dr. H. M. Cekirge GFDI, FSU
- 01/25/1993: Mr. Jean Bidlot GFDI Graduate Student
- 02/19/1993: Dr. Huijun Yang Dept. of Geophysical Sci.,Univ. of Chicago, IL
- 04/09/1993: Mr. Jean Bidlot GFDI Graduate Student
- 04/26/1993: Dr. Richard Bernatz Luther College, Decorah, Iowa
- 09/27/1993: Dr. H. M. Cekirge GFDI, FSU
- 02/28/1994: Dr. Melvin Stern Dept. of Oceanography, FSU
- 03/14/1994: Dr. David Furbish Dept. of Geology, FSU
- 03/21/1994: Dr. John McAlpin College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Newark
- 03/28/1994: Dr. A. Barcilon GFDI, FSU
- 04/04/1994: Dr. C. J. Chen Dean, College of Eng., FAMU/ FSU
- 04/08/1994: Mr. Qi Mao GFDI Graduate Student
- 04/13/1994: Dr. Hengyi Weng GFDI, FSU (to 4/15/1994)
- 04/18/1994: Dr. Ya Hsueh Dept. of Oceanography, FSU
- 04/26/1994: Prof. T. S. Chin Director, Beaches and Shores Resource Center
- 10/31/1994: Dr. D. Furbish Dept. of Geology, FSU
- 11/18/1994: Dr. Siegfried Schubert NASA / GSFC Greenbelt, MD
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1985-1989 Visitors
- 01/07/1985: Dr. Charles Quon Bedford Inst. of Tech., Nova Scotia
- 02/04/1985: Dr. Eugenia Kalnay NASA /GLAS, Greenbelt, MD
- 02/18/1985: Dr. Richard Greatbatch University of London, England
- 02/27/1985: Dr. Bin Wang GFDL, Princeton, NJ
- 03/11/1985: Dr. Andy White Meteorological Office, Berkshire, England
- 03/11/1985: Dr. Terry Nathan Dept. of Atmos. Sci., SUNYA, Albany, NY
- 03/18/1985: Dr. H. I. Lu GFDI, FSU
- 03/26/1985: S. K. Runcorn School of Physics, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, England (to 3/27/1985)
- 04/01/1985: Dr. A. F. Pillow Univ. of Queensland, Australia
- 04/08/1985: Dr. R. L. Pfeffer GFDI, FSU
- 04/22/1985: Dr. Grant Bigg Oxford University, England
- 07/03/1985: Dr. Rui-Rong Chen Dept. of Mech. Eng., Univ. of Wyoming
- 08/03/1985: Dr. Bao-Zhen Zhu Inst. of Atmos. Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
- 12/16/1985: Dr. X. F. Le Dimet Dept. of Appl. Math, Univ. of Clermont-Ferrand, France
- 07/14/1986: Dr. Paul Linden Dept of Applied Math & Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, UK
- 10/13/1986: Dr. Frank D. Stacey Univ. of Queensland, Australia
- 11/07/1986: Mr. Benard Barnier Air Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 01/05/1987: Dr. D. V. Khakhar Indian Inst. of Tech., Kanpur, India
- 01/13/1987: Dr. Michael McIntyre University of Cambridge, England
- 02/09/1987: Dr. Peter Davis University of Dundee, UK
- 02/16/1987: Dr. Peter Kilworth Oxford University, England
- 03/09/1987: Dr. Charles Officer Dept. of Earth Sci., Darthmouth College, Hanover, NH
- 03/23/1987: Dr. Melvin E. Stern Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Narragansett (to 3/27/1987)
- 03/23/1987: Dr. Allan Robinson Div. of Applied Sci., Harvard (to 3/27/1987)
- 04/06/1987: Dr. Edward Benton Astrophysics and Atmos. Sci. Dept., Univ. of CO, Boulder
- 09/28/1987: Dr. Benoit Cushman-Roisin Oceanography Dept. and GFDI, FSU
- 10/16/1987: Dr. Howard Brenner Chemical Eng. Dept., M.I.T., Cambridge
- 02/12/1988: Dr. Jack Whitehead Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst., MA
- 03/14/1988: Dr. George Veronis Geology Dept., Yale Univ., New Haven
- 04/13/1988: Dr. Edward Spiegel Columbia Univ., New York
- 04/22/1988: Dr. Russell Donnelly University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
- 05/05/1988: Dr. Hans True Technical Univ. of Denmark
- 09/12/1988: Dr. Andrew Woods DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge, England
- 11/01/1988: Dr. Terry Nathan Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
- 11/07/1988: Dr. Harinda J. S. Fernando Arizona State University
- 11/28/1988: Dr. John Brindley University of Leeds, UK
- 12/12/1988: Dr. Benoit Cushman-Roisin Oceanography Dept., FSU
- 12/15/1988: Dr. Harro Schmelling Geophysical Inst. Uppsala Univ., Sweden
- 01/08/1989: Dr. Bao-Zhen Zhu Inst. of Atmos. Physics, Beijing, China
- 02/13/1989: Dr. Jack Whitehead Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., MA
- 02/27/1989: Dr. William Young Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
- 03/07/1989: Dr. Richard L. Pfeffer GFDI, FSU
- 03/10/1989: Dr. Edward Spiegel Columbia University, N.Y., NY
- 03/13/1989: Dr. Harvey Greenspan M. I. T., Cambridge, MA
- 03/27/1989: Dr. Larry Mahrt Dept. of Atmos. Sci., Oregon State University, Eugene, OR
- 03/31/1989: Dr. Peter Rhines School of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA
- 04/08/1989: Dr. Tim Barnett Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, LaJolla, CA
- 04/20/1989: Dr. Eric Mallo-Christiansen NASA, Goddard Space Flight Ctr., Greenbelt, MD
- 05/15/1989: Dr. Vitaly Larichev Inst. of Oceanography, Moscow, USSR
- 06/02/1989: Dr. Lev Truskinovsky Dept. of Mech. Eng., M.I.T., Cambridge
- 09/18/1989: Dr. Nathan Paldor The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 10/23/1989: Dr. Theodore Shepherd Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
- 10/30/1989: Dr. Edward Lorenz M. I. T., Cambridge, MA
- 11/27/1989: Dr. William Blumen University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
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1980-1984 Visitors
- 01/21/1980: Prof. Robert Long Johns Hopkins Univ.
- 02/01/1980: Prof. A. H. Nayfeh Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.
- 03/13/1980: Dr. Isaac Held G.F.D. Laboratory, Princeton
- 03/24/1980: Dr. Martin Mork Geophysics Inst., University of Bergen, Norway
- 03/25/1980: Dr. Richard Lindzen Prof. of Dynamical Meteorology, Harvard
- 03/27/1980: Dr. Robert R. Long Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sci, Johns Hopkins University
- 03/31/1980: Prof. James R. Holton Dept. of Atmos. Sci., Univ. of Washington
- 04/03/1980: Prof. Jule Charney Dept. of Meteorology, M.I.T.
- 04/07/1980: Dr. Charles Quon Atlantic Oceanographic Lab., Nova Scotia
- 04/14/1980: Assoc. Prof. Ron Smith Dept. of geology and Geophysics, Yale
- 04/21/1980: Dr. John Hart Dept. og Meteorology, M.I.T.
- 04/28/1980: Prof. W. R. Peltier Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto
- 05/01/1980: Prof. George Philander GFDL / NOAA, Princeton University
- 05/19/1980: Dr. Allan Robinson Harvard University
- 05/20/1980: Kevin Trenberth University of Illinois, Urbana
- 06/02/1980: Richard Deininger M.I.T.
- 06/09/1980: Dr. Rainer Bleck University of Miami
- 07/28/1980: Dr. Abraham Oort NOAA, Princeton
- 09/22/1980: Mr. Benoit Cushman-Roisin GFDI FSU
- 09/25/1980: Barry Ruddick Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
- 09/29/1980: Dr. Alan Rice Dept. of Oceanography & Ocean Engineering, FIT
- 10/13/1980: Mr. Benoit Cushman-Roisin GFDI FSU
- 10/14/1980: Dr. Tony Chan Yale University
- 10/17/1980: Dr. Doron Nof CIMAS, Univ. of Miami
- 11/03/1980: Prof. Leon Knopoff Inst. of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Univ. of CA at Los Angeles
- 11/10/1980: Dr. Lars Peter Roed Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 11/17/1980: Prof. Richard L. Pfeffer FSU
- 11/24/1980: Dr. Wiliam Mach Dept. of Meteorology, FSU
- 12/01/1980: Dr. John Brindley University of Leeds, UK
- 12/15/1980: Dr. Walter Macintyre NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 12/28/1980: Dr. Philip Merilees Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada
- 01/05/1981: Dr. Heinz Kreiss Dept. of Applied Math, Cal. Inst. Tech.
- 01/12/1981: Dr. Alan Rice Dept. of Oceanography & Ocean Engineering, FIT
- 02/02/1981: Dr. John Appleby University of Leeds, England
- 02/09/1981: Prof. Frank Richter Dept. of Geophysical Sci., Univ. of Chicago, IL
- 02/23/1981: Prof. Martin Lessen University of Rochester, NY
- 02/26/1981: Dr. Frank Stacey Univ. of Queensland, Australia
- 02/27/1981: Mr. Bernard Greenspan Cornell University, NY
- 03/10/1981: Dr. Marcia Baker Univ. of Washington, Seattle
- 03/11/1981: Mr. J. F. Eastham Jr. Univ. of Tennessee
- 03/12/1981: H. I. Lu GFDI, FSU
- 03/30/1981: Dr. W. D. Hibler US Army Cold Regions Res. & Eng. Lab., Hanover, NH
- 04/20/1981: Dr. Hector Teitelbaum Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS, France
- 04/27/1981: Franco Einaudi Georgia Inst. of Tech., Atlanta
- 05/18/1981: Dr. John Apel, Dir. PMEL, NOAA, Seattle, WA
- 09/21/1981: Dr. Du Zheng Ye, Dir. Inst. of Atmos. Physics, Academia Sinica, Peking, China
- 11/24/1981: Prof. Klaus Wyrtki Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HA
- 12/02/1981: Dr. A. Barcilon GFDI, FSU
- 12/07/1981: Mr. S. H. Chou Met. Dept., SUNYA, Albany, NY
- 03/01/1982: Dr. David Williamson NCAR, Boulder, CO
- 03/22/1982: Dr. Quing-Cun Zeng Inst. of Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
- 05/10/1982: Dr. Pierre Welander Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington, Seattle (to 5/12/1982)
- 05/10/1982: Dr. J. P. McGuirk Dept. of Meteorology, Texas A&M University
- 05/21/1982: Dr. Ya Hsueh Oceanography Dept., FSU
- 06/07/1982: Dr. Arthur Loesch Dept. of Atmos. Sci., SUNYA, NY
- 06/21/1982: Dr. George Contopoulous Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Athens, Greece
- 07/12/1982: Mr. G. Q. Li Academia Sinica, Peking, China
- 07/21/1982: Mr. M. Inoue Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX
- 08/30/1982: Dr. Y. Nakagawa Chiba Inst. of Tech., Narashino, Tokyo, Japan
- 09/20/1982: Dr. Phillip Drazin School of Mathematics, Univ. of Bristol, England
- 10/18/1982: Dr. Emil Hopfinger Institute de Mechanique, Univ. of Grenoble, France
- 11/15/1982: Dr. Irene Moroz School of Mathematics, Univ. of Leeds, England
- 11/29/1982: Mr. Anthony Busalacchi Air Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 11/30/1982: Dr. S. K. Runcorn School of Physics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
- 01/10/1983: Dr. Mark McGuiness California Inst. of Tech.
- 03/07/1983: Dr. Albert Barcilon FSU
- 03/14/1983: Dr. Roger Gans University of Rochester
- 03/17/1983: Dr. Peter Lundberg Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Gotenburg, Sweden
- 03/21/1983: Dr. Lard Peter Roed Det Norske Veritas, Norway
- 03/28/1983: Dr. Roger Gans University of Rochester
- 04/18/1983: Dr. Albert Barcilon FSU
- 06/01/1983: Mr. S. H. Chou Dept. of Atmos. Sci., SUNYA, Albany, NY
- 11/04/1983: Dr. Martin Mork Geophysical Inst., Univ. of Bergen, Norway
- 11/14/1983: Mr. Bin Wang GFDI, FSU
- 11/21/1983: Dr. Benoit Chushman-Roisin Air-Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 11/28/1983: Dr. Edward Spiegel Dept. of Astromony, Columbia University, NY (to12/2/1983)
- 01/23/1984: Dr. W. Timothy Liu Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA
- 01/26/1984: Dr. David Loper GFDI, FSU
- 01/30/1984: Dr. R. E. Thompson Inst. of Ocean Sci., Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
- 02/17/1984: Dr. Joseph Pedlosky WHOI, Woods Hole, MA
- 02/20/1984: Dr. David Loper GFDI, FSU
- 03/02/1984: Dr. Allan Clarke Oceanography Dept., FSU
- 04/18/1984: Dr. Jose Malgarejo Visiting Scientist, GFDI, FSU
- 09/10/1984: Ms. H. Y. Weng Meteorology Dept., FSU
- 09/17/1984: Dr. Du Zheng Ye Inst. of Atmos. Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
- 10/01/1984: Ms. Sirpa Hakkinen GFDI and Air Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 10/08/1984: Ms. Sirpa Hakkinen GFDI and Air Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 10/22/1984: Dr. David Loper GFDI, FSU
- 11/06/1984: Dr. Stig Flodmark University of Stockholm, Sweden
- 11/26/1984: Ms. Germana Peggion GFDI and Air Sea Interaction Group, FSU
- 11/27/1984: Dr. John Brindley England