Dorianis Perez
At Los Alamos
Dorianis Mercedes Pérez, PhD Candidate
M.S. in Anthropology: Forensic and Biological Anthropology from Mercyhurst University
B.S. in Mathematics and Forensic Science from Hofstra University
Dorianis is currently working as a Gradute Research Assistant at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) building a comprehensive cloud microphysics package for HiGrad, LANL's massively parallel atmospheric hydrodynamics model. She is being mentored by Dr. Jesse Canfield, an alum of GFDI, in the Continuum Models and Numerical Methods group at LANL. Dorianis has also recently participated as a Graduate Peer Mentor in the Celebration of Women and Girls in Science hosted by TCC, FSU, and FAMU for International Women's Day 2021, an event that focused on mentorship and networking of girls (5th-12th grade) about career pathways in STEM.
Xu Liu
Daryn Sagel