Recent Alumni

Name | Degree | Major Professor | Dissertation Title | Placement |
Nam-Young Kang | Ph.D./2014 | Dr. James Elsner | Global Warming and Tropical Cyclone in the Western North Pacific | Deputy director,National Typhoon Center / Korea Meteorological Administration,Soel, Korea |
Jesse Canfield | Ph.D./2014 | Dr. Doron Nof | Wild Fire Dynamics: Understanding Some Behavior Trends | Postdoctoral Researcher, Computational Earth Sciences (EES-16)Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM |
Michael Santema | Ph.D./2013 | Dr. Markus Huettel | Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in the Shallow Shelf in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico | SAS Programmer, Greater Los Angeles Area, Los Angeles, CA |
Aaron Paget | Ph.D./2013 | Dr. Mark Bourassa | Important contributing Factors for Estimating the Active and Total Whitecap Coverage Globally Using Satellite-Derived Parameters | Postdoctoral Researcher, Microwave Earth Remote Sensing Laboratory, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA |
Jeremy Sauer | Ph.D./2013 | Dr. Doron Nof | Towards Improved Capability and Confidence in Coupled Atmospheric and Wildland Fire Forecasting | Postdoctoral Researcher, Computational Earth Sciences Group (EES-16) at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM |
Jun Dong | Ph.D./2012 | Dr. Kevin Speer | Water Mass Exchange between the Weddell Gyre and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current | Research Associate, CICS-Maryland, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Giuseppe Colantuono | Ph.D./2009 | Dr. William Dewar | Effect of Stratification and Background Flow on the Frequency of Rossby Basin Modes in Presence of Bottom Topography | School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds, UK |
Jeremiah Brown | Ph.D./2009 | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson | Wavelets-Based Analysis of Variability in the Air-Sea Fluxes | Owner, Principal Scientific Group, LLC, Indianapolis, IN |
Students Supported
Name | Degree | Major Professor | Dissertation Title | Placement |
Chin Ying Chien | M.S../2009 | Dr. Kevin Speer | Comparison of Wind Speed and Wind Stress in the Southern Ocean | |
Yang Jiao | M.S../2013 | Dr. William Dewar | The Energetics of Centrifugal Instability | Associate Researcher, National Marine Environment Forecasting Center (NMEFC), No. 8, Dahuisi Rd, Haidian Dist, Beijing, China, 100081 |
Jason Brent Roberts | Ph.D./2011 | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson | Evaluation of Surface Heat Flux Uncertainties and their Impacts on the Study of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variability | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL |
Eric Mortenson | M.S./2013 | Dr. Kevin Speer | Physical Description and Analysis of the Variability of Salinity and Oxygen Apalachicola Bay | Ph.D. Student, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences University of Victoria Bob Wright Centre 3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road) Victoria, BC V8P 5C2 |
Past Students
Name | Major and Status | Dissertation Title | Advisor |
Yang Jiao | Fall 2013: M.S. Physical Oceanography | "The Energetics of Centrifugal Instability" | Dr. William Dewar |
Jeremiah Brown | Summer 2009: Ph.D. GFD | "Wavelets-based analysis of variability in the air-sea fluxes"PDF | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson |
Mark R. Jordan | Summer 2008: Ph.D. Meteorology | "Development of a New Storm Surge Index for Global Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Generated Storm Surge" | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson |
Marshal Ward | Spring 2008: Ph.D., GFD | "PV-Induced Forcing of Gravity Wavesin a Shallow Water Model" | P. Cunningham, L. St. Laurent |
Alexandre Macedo Fernandes | Fall 2006: Ph.D., Oceanography | "Salt Finger Fluxes in a Laminar Shear Flow" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
Volodymyr Zharkov | Fall 2007: Ph.D., GFD | "Retroflextion from Slanted Coastline-modeling Rings Injection into the South Atlantic During Glacials/Interglacials" | Dr. Doron Nof |
Christopher Werner | Fall 2007: Ph.D., GFD | "Double-diffusive Fingering in Porous Media" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
David Mozzoni | Fall 2007: Ph.D., Physics | "The Changing Geomagnetic Field from the Ionosphere to the Core-Mantle Boundary" | Dr. Joeseph Cain |
Jorge E. Lopez | Summer 2006: M.S. Oceanography | "Characterization of Preconditioning for Ocean Deep Convection in the Sea of Japan" | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson |
Luis Bejarano-Avedano | Summer 2006: Ph.D., GFD | "Coexistence of Leading Equatorial Coupled Modes for ENSO" | Dr. Fei-Fei Jin |
Derrick Weitlich | Spring 2005: M.S., Meteorology | "Seasonal and interannual variability of tropical diurnal warming of sea surface temperatures" | Dr. Carol Anne Clayson |
Guangquan Li | Fall 2004: Ph.D., GFD | "Laboratory Simulation of Solute Transport and Retention in a Karst Aquifer" | Dr. D. E. Loper |
Wenzhong Cao | 2001: M.S., Computer Science | Dr. Riccardi |
Christian Homescu | 2002: Ph.D., Mathematics | Dr. I. M. Navon |
Alessandro Stocchino | 2002: Ph.D., GFD., Jointy with University of Genoa, Italy | "Double Diffusive Convection: experimental investigations" | Dr.Ruby Krishnamurti |
Jichum Li | Summer 1998: Ph.D., Mathematics | "Finite Element Applications and Analysis for Singularly Perturbed Problems in Shallow Water equations" | Dr. I. M. Navon |
Young-Heon Jo | Fall 1999: M.S. Oceanography | "Experimental Test of the Linear Stability Analysis for the Salt Fingers" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
Gregory Gahrs | Fall 1998: M.S. Meteorology | "Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Using Three Different Cumulus Connection Parameterizations" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Yanqui Zhu | Spring 1998: Ph.D., GFD | "4-D Variational Data Assimilation and Parameter Estimation Using the FSU Global Spectral Model and its Full-Physics Adjoint" | Dr. I. M. Navon |
Nihat Cubucku | Spring 1997: M.S. Meteorology | "A study of Tropical Cyclone Ocean Interaction with Realistic Topography" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Qiang Zhao | Summer 2000: Ph.D., GFDI | "4-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation Study for Tropical Cyclone Development in Early Stages" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Gang-Peng Zhang | Fall 1995: Ph.D., GFDI | "A Numerical Model of Sal*censored*er Intrusion in the Southeast Coast of Florida" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Young-Kyun Yang | Summer 1995: Ph.D. Mathematics | "An Analysis of Mush-Chimney Structure" | Dr. D. Loper |
Zhengxian Wu | Fall 1996: M.S. MeteorologySpring 1998: M.S. Computer Science | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Ram Kumar Venkataraman | Fall 1995: M.S. Oceanography | "A Mechanism for Ocean Mixed Layer Reopening: A Laboratory Model" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
Hisayoshi Shimizu | Spring 1996: Ph.D. GFD | "A Study of Small Scale Helicity and Alpha Effect in the Earth's Core" | Dr. D. Loper |
Young-Kyun Yang | Summer 2995: Ph.D., Mathematics | "An Analysis of Mush-Chimney Structure" | Dr. D. Loper |
Zhengxian Wu | Fall 1996: M.S. Meteorology (by examination)Spring 1998: M.S. Computer Science (by examination) | Dr. R.L. Pfeffer |
Ram Kumar Venkataraman | Fall 1995: M.S. Oceanography | "A Mechanism for Ocean Mixed Layer Reopening: A Laboratory Model" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
Hisayoshi Shimizu | Spring 1996: Ph.D., GFD | "A Study of Small Scale Helicity and Alpha Effect in the Earth's Core" | Dr. D. Loper |
Chung-Lin Shie | Fall 1995: Ph.D. Meteorology | "A Numerical Study of the Influence of Two-Wave Bottom Topography on Baroclinic and Barotropic Annulus Flows" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Kezhi Ruan | Fall 1994: Ph.D. Mathematics | "On the Motion of a Rigid Cylinder Parallel to Its Axis in a Rotating Electrically Conducting Fluid" | Dr. D. Loper |
Manuel Pondeca | Summer 1996: M.S. Meteorology | "Model Studies of Blocking Predictability Using the Adjoint Sensitivity Formalism" | Dr. A. I. Barcilon |
Qi Mao | Spring 1994: Ph. D., GFD | "Numerical Simulation of Tropical Cyclones in a Coupled Atmosphere- Ocean Model with Nonuniform Mixed Layer Depth" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Bin Li | Summer 1996: Ph. D., GFD | "On the Timing of Warm and Cold El Nino - Southern Oscillation Events" | Dr. A. J. Clarke |
Shangzuo Gao | Summer 1996: Ph. D. Mathematics | "Algorithms for determination of embedding dimensions for nonlinear analysis of chaotic time series and a study a fractal dimensions and predictabilities of weather attractors over the Eastern United States" | Dr. J. Magnan |
Wen Ding | Summer 1995: Ph. D., GFD | "Storm Track in a Stratified Rotating Fluid with Topography" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Yehui Chang | Spring 1994: Ph. D. Mathematics | "Use of Empirical Orthogonal Functions as Basis Functions in Numerical Weather Prediction" | Dr. A. I. Barcilon |
Yi-Hong Cai | Summer 1994: Ph. D. Mathematics | "Domain Decomposition Algorithm and Parallel Computational Technique for Numerical Solutions of PDEs with Applications to the Finite Element Shallow Water Modeling" | Dr. I. M. Navon |
Sergy Borisov | Summer 1996: Ph. D. Oceanography | "Abyssal Cross-Equatorial Flows" | Dr. Doron Nof |
David Bachiochi | Spring 1995: M.S. Meteorology | "The Effects of Topographic Structure on the Low-Frequency Modes in a Quasi-Geostrophic Two-Layer Model, Using Complex Empirical Orthogonal Functions" | Dr. A. I. Barcilon |
Scott Applequist | 1993: M.S. (by examination)Spring 1998: Ph.D. Meteorlogy | "Nonlinear Modal Output Statistics for Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasting" (Spring 1998) | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Jean Bidlot | Summer 1993: Ph.D. GFD | "Maintenance of continental boundary layer shear through counter gradient vorticity flux in a barotropic model" | Dr. M. Sterm |
Zheng Liu | 1992: M.S. Meteorology | The effect of transient eddies on time-mean flow in the atmosphere" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |
Brian Kelly | 1992: Ph.D. GFD | "On the generation and the dispersion of Yanai wave with a spectral Chebyshev-Collocation reduced-gravity ocean model" | Dr. J. J. O'Brien |
P. Jayakumar | Fall 1992: Ph.D. Mathematics | "On the characterization of turbulent thermal convection as spatio-temporal chaos" | Dr. J. Magnan |
David Couliette | 1992: Ph.D. Mathematics | "Initiation and development of creeping thermal plumes" | Dr. D. E. Loper |
Huijun Yang | 1991: Ph.D. GFD | "Hele Shaw convection with imposed shear flows" | Dr. Ruby Krishnamurti |
Xiong-Shan Chen | 1991: M.S. Meteorology | "The aliased and the de-aliased spectral models of the shallow water equations" | Dr. R. L. Pfeffer |